Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Salty Seller

Keep your friends close and your manager closer.

I know that sometimes we think our managers suck. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. I've had managers in the past that I wanted to place under citizen’s arrest for being complete idiots. I've wondered how some even managed to get dressed in the morning? I'm going to guess they had a spread sheet with detailed instructions. Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.

Some managers have no business being where they are. Get over it.

The fact is, they are where they are and we are where we are. There's nothing we can do about that, no matter how much we may want to. What we can do is sell the hell out of our product. When you're out selling, not only do you make more money...you keep your job!

No one has a perfect work environment. If you do, please forward me your hiring manager’s phone number.

If things aren't perfect where you work, I am sure that you have a group of passive protesters lurking around. A sly group, these passive protesters . Do not fret. They are easily identified. At the beginning of the day they will be hanging out around the coffee pot, bitching about their morning commute, the husband, wife, children, even the coffee. More times the not, the complaints about the coffee are completely justified. During the morning meeting they will keep a straight face , but come 9:31, they're the first to give a passionate speech about how poorly everyone is treated, how terrible the corporate structure is, and how life just isn’t fair.

I know this because I've have been that guy. Sometimes rightfully so... Sometimes not.

If you're that guy or girl... Stop. If you're around that guy or girl... Walk away. All they will get you is fired.

Like it or not, we are influenced by the people with whom we surround ourselves. If you’re a golfer, you know exactly what I mean. You will often play to your competition. Meaning if you play with someone better than you, you will play better than normal. If however, you play with someone really bad, odds are you'll end up breaking a club or two.

As for the passive protesters, do you really want to be like them? I’ll go out on a limb and guess you don't. Misery loves company. And her parties suck!

I want to see everyone happy and doing well. I see the miserable people and wish they weren't. Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in others." Forget that! Be the change you want to see in YOURSELF!!! If you wallow in your own pity, you’ll become just that… Pitiful.

You know where you want to go. Go there. Don’t let a manager get in your way. Don’t let anyone get in your way. Stand up and be counted.

It’s a cold, cold winter outside. Jobs are tough to come by. If you have one, try and keep it. One sure fire way to do that is to close deals. Sell baby, sell! It’s hard to fire someone that makes you money. Even the worst of managers understands that. Or maybe they don't. Either way, don't waste your time crying about it or writing a blog in a coffee shop. No one cares. Just go sell something.


  1. "The Salty Seller" should be your pen name.

  2. ahem...sell baby sell.

  3. I think this guy and I have had the same manager! Bravo!
