Friday, December 4, 2009

Merry Christmas

I want to publicly commend my boss, Bizzuka Inc CEO John Munsell for instructing us to refer to Christmas as Christmas and not the Holiday. Its sad that's a big deal. I'm sick and tired of being dictated to by the vocal  liberal minority. What about my rights as a Christian? Maybe it’s offensive to me to be told I can’t say Merry Christmas. How many of the enlightened class who don’t believe in Christ take the day off?  If it’s not your thing, show up for work on the 25th of December. How would African Americans react if they were told they couldn’t call MLK Day by its name, and to refer to it as ‘non-violence day’? If I was told I couldn’t say Veterans Day and had to call it ‘a holiday’ because it would offend the anti war crowd…well, we would have a problem. I challenge the 72% of Americans who do believe in Christ to proudly wish everyone a Merry Christmas and not a happy holiday. If your work dictates you not to say Christmas, do it anyway. If you are reprimanded or mistreated in anyway, fight back. File a law suit for having your First Amendment rights suppressed! Its funny how liberals often leave out the second sentence of the first amendment stating: "Congress shall make no law prohibiting the exercise of religion". We have been pushed around  for long enough.Stand proudly and be counted! Have a Merry Christmas!


  1. Kudos to you and your boss! Christmas is, and always has been, about Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas to all of you at Bizzuka.

  2. I totally agree, man. Everybody I work with and for says Christmas and that's the way it should be. And during Hannukah I tell my Jewish friends Happy Hannukah. Not Happy Holidays!!! My point is that this whole trend of over-generalization only seems to be directed at conservative, Christian values. If others expect us to respect their culture, they should have some respect for ours. And let's not forget about the endless number of business owners & retailers whose pocketbooks getter fatter simply because Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus. A vast majority of them rely on the Christmas season to make their year, so they should certainly keep that in mind when dictating company policy.

  3. Merry Christmas it is. After 18 years of working at a publicly traded company, who year after year became less and less tolerant of Christian values being expressed, it is so AWESOME to be able to happily wish everyone I encounter a Merry Christmas! Jesus is the reason for the season. Joyeux Noel!
